Ststistical data on Ethical Fasion and Its Market share-does anyone have realiable data?

Hi guys,
I am writing a dissertation on Ethical Fashion, and I have been researching for relaible statistical data, that proves in is a growing concern, and not just a passing trend or fad like puff ball skirts, or Rave music.
I have tried the below sites, but not found concrete evidence, does anyone have quotes, or links to good sources. Ciao Cloudia
Mintel (
Key Note (
Euromonitor (
Datamonitor (

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Thankyou Christopher the percentages are excellent, and will support some of my argument.
There are further resources in the Group section and then go into resources.
Thankyou Christopher, that's great!
Have you tried the Fashioning an Ethical Industry factsheet on Ethical Consumerism:


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