Ministry of Economy and Trade -Japan guidelines for Organic 'fibre only' Standardisation.



        It is good news to note that  Janpan Govt. has come forward with 'some' steps toward  objective evoluvation  for the 'Organic' products.


        Since the fresh millanium started there is much confusion , chaeos, inconsistencies, and misunderstandings  among Producers ,Distributors and Consumers. The labelling of  organic cotton products may raise the standard of information control.


        It is only fibre level standard , it does not speak about  natural dyes or  fashion for the fresh millanium. There are some bodies like (Gots,One CERT) exists already in this area . What has been missing since long is on natural Dyes. Nature sources for dye  are  is irregular, charecteristic, a staement of its own ,sometimes once is year  or life time, a matter of passion for collecting individual from bewildering  choices available locality to locality.     The person serching and  his ways are the final authority to determine.


        Ours is traditionally strong rooted  Natural dyes company and releasing the Live Processed Natural dyes Denim Jeans some 100   catagories in weaves and colur pallets  shades  of products .These are unique  in certain ways and since we have long years of  research  we started our own  labelling of VIirtue based Organic fibres and Natural Dyed garments . The denim jeans can be seen in photo


        We have been waiting till 1976 any internationational body to objective evoluvation on all aspects in a garment .Now we can self declare it / voluntarily involve ourselves  for objective evoluvation of our own products. 



        Our products are virtue based Organic and Natural fashion ones. 3% maxi.household chemical used to dye 'non-Indigo' natural coloured goods ;  and  0% added on Indigo dyed goods.   


        Fibres are organic and fresh ones not, regenerated .


        We involve ourselves voluntarily for above objective evoluvation. 


        Any comment , is there any body to certify natural dyes .   













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