Are there any further education colleges whom would be interested in working together to further their students knowledge of ethical fashion?

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I would be very much interested to hear about your thoughts and ideas, I am currentley a course coordinator on the national diploma in fashion course, I posted a comment about how I am interested in sutainability and education (see) look forward to hearing from you, Robbie
Hi Robbie

I couldn't see your other comment about sustainability and education, so do send it on again. Its good to hear from you. We work with other tutors on ND fashion courses, and hope that we may be able to support you too. There's an article in our latest publication 'Sustainable Fashion: A Handbook for Educators' by Maria Skoyles from Oxford and Cherwell Valley College about how they bring ethics into the communications elements of the ND course - see

There's also a whole selection of resources that you might find useful for the ND at

I also hope that this forum will provide a way for FE tutors to network with each other so please do use the space to ask for, and share ideas.

To be kept informed about our work and relevant events, resources, student opportunities and industry news, you can sign up to our bulletin - visit for more information.

Best wishes
Not sure if possible but do you work with teachers on masters degrees?? I will begin my MAat UCA epsom in Ethical Fashion this sept and would love to learn more through you guys at FEI whilst undertaking this degree

Is that possible?
Hi Jacqueline

We do work with MA tutors,and we work closely with the course leader on the MA Ethical Fashion at University of the Creative Arts and so you can find out more about us through the course.

Good luck with the course.
Best wishes
Thanks for that Liz

Im looking forward to it



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