Eduardo Escobedo
  • Male
  • Geneva
  • Switzerland
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  • Timothy
  • Rupa Ganguli
  • Tamsin Lejeune
  • Ethical Fashion Forum

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Eduardo Escobedo's Discussions

United Nations - Looking for a consultant on sustainable fashion and biodiversity

Started May 21, 2010 0 Replies

The BioTrade Initiative of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) is developing an initiative to bring together the key actors in the high-end fashion industry in a common…Continue

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Profile Information

Profession / role:
Economic Affairs Officer
Company / organisation:
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
I am looking to discover or buy
Like-minded peope who see fashion as an important driver of change
About me / About business or organisation:
Interested in issues related to trade, environment and development... see fashion as an important channel to influence consumer and company behaviour towards more sustainable choices and practices.
Career history / Company history:
Industrial Engineer with masters in development studies.
2 year of engineer in productivity - GE
5 years trade diplomat for Mexico
4 years trade and development manager for and NGO
2 years trade and enviroment expert for UN

Comment Wall (3 comments)

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At 21:33 on July 8, 2011, MIRELLE ACQUART said…

Hey Eduardo!!

Saludos desde México. Navegando en la red de EFF y buscando quienes tengan alguna relación con México, tope con tu perfil.

Leo que trabajas en UNCTAD. Me gustaria platicar contigo sobre el tema de la moda y ver si podemos intercambiar ideas, y hacer alguna retroalimentación. Actualemnte realizo mi tesis de Licenciatura sobre moda ética (y fuentes de UNCTAD me han sido muy útiles), así que, si te es posible, me gustaria entrar en comunicación contigo!

Espero saber de ti pronto!


At 14:29 on September 20, 2009, Rupa Ganguli said…
Hey Eduardo, great to hear from you too! yes definitely hope to continue working together!
cheers and best,
At 16:46 on September 16, 2009, David McGill said…
Hi Eduado, I think fashion can play an important role in effecting social change for the better not only in economic terms but in terms of perception as well. I think Ive proved that already.

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