Peacekeeper Cause-Metics Invites Women to Create One Collective, Global Voice to Stop Human Slavery and Poverty in Our Lifetime

What if you knew that every time you were putting on lipstick you were giving a girl a chance? PeaceKeeper Cause-Metics, a cosmetics line that gives donations to women’s health advocacy and urgent human rights issues, is inviting women to join them in taking action to end human trafficking. Can your buying power save a life? Absolutely! Your purchase will have a direct impact on women and children who are suffering extreme poverty, or have been sold into hard labor, or domestic or sexual servitude.

One way PeaceKeeper can achieve this is by sourcing its raw ingredients from third-world farmers and giving micro-credit loans, grants for education and funds for medical care to the families of those farmers and the poor among them in their communities. By giving a woman an education and/or a sustainable trade, she is given an alternative to a life of servitude.

PeaceKeeper believes that we women of privilege are in a unique position, having the ability to use our buying power to stand up for products that heal the planet. With half the planet living on two-dollars or less a day and the global middle class living on $3,000 to $5,000 per year, the most important thing we can do is make choices with this buying power that help sustain the very people we buy ingredients from. And isn’t it time that we women take a stand on products that sustain local and/or third-world farming practices and don’t poison the earth or exploit our fellow humankind?

Most importantly, isn’t it time for our generation to speak in a collective voice of female wisdom and say that PEOPLE ARE NOT FOR SALE and that offering them a sustainable trade will assist them out of exploitation into a life that thrives?

PeaceKeeper is channeling YOUR voice. We are saying, “Empowering you empowers me,” “I have deep reverence for you though we have never met,” “I build bridges, not borders,” “I love you without an agenda.” Now it is time to say through our collective voice and purchasing power that unless all women thrive, we won’t stop working on solutions for their well-being nor stop demanding justice, and protection of the most vulnerable among us. Now that’s PeaceKeeping and THAT is beautiful.

PeaceKeeper’s organic and natural make-up is sold at select Whole Foods, Wegmans, Earthfare, Sprouts, Douglas Cosmetics and other fine stores. To learn more about the charitable issues they fund and how to get involved, visit them at

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