Yesterday morning at Marzipants HQ we woke up to an email which made us jump out of bed, squeal with joy, ring our mum and re-read the email to check and double check that it was real. We’ve been on cloud 9 ever since!

Back in the summer we applied to the Source Awards which recognises “excellence in fashion and sustainability”. We almost didn’t enter as we thought we wouldn’t stand a chance up against the big, well established companies. But in the end we thought, what the heck! We may be small, but we’re personal, we have great vision and in our own little way, we’re making a big difference to the lives of the women in India who make our trousers. So we applied, we kept fingers and toes crossed and we waited and waited and waited….. and then we gave up hope altogether and thought “oh well, onwards and upwards – maybe we’ll get lucky next year.”
And then yesterday we got the email with the subject line “YOU’VE BEEN SHORTLISTED” and it seems that maybe our dreams are about to come true. We’re down to the last 4 in the innovation awards as “the one to watch” and Marzipants are sitting alongside names such asVivienne Westwood, Katharine Hamnett, H&M, Livia Firth and Lily Cole. What an honour!
The awards will take place on the 4th December in London and to say we’re already getting excited is a bit of a understatement!
You can view the finalists and the award categories here.
Thank you so much to everyone at the Ethical Fashion Forum and all the wonderful judges for believing in us. We’re going back to doing cartwheels around the office. Yippee!
You can find out more about Marzipants on our blog.
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