We are proud to announce the opening of our online POP-UP boutique ‘Head to Toe’ and our first collaborations with Terra Plana & Funky Mutts celebrating Head to Toe Eco Fashion. Available for Spring/Summer, we have joined forces with the like-minded brands to make dressing head-to-toe in sustainable fashion easy.

Choolips’ online “pop-up” boutique stocks our first exclusive collection of limited edition dresses available. You will be able to create a personalised dress; choosing from a combination of silhouettes, colours and prints, and then watch step-by-step as we produce the garment from design through to print and production. You can see first-hand the fair trade, sustainable supply chain that is making a real difference to our batikers, tailors & seamstresses in Ghana.

Visit Choolips' 'Head to Toe' www.choolips.com

The site, which will only be live for one month, also features a range of one-off Terra Plana shoes and bags using Choolips fairly-traded fabrics. These are only available online from the Terra Plana website, www.terraplana.com. In addition you can purchase matching accessories, such as the Ines Collar & Lead for your four-legged friends from www.funkymutts.co.uk

"We all like something beautiful made especially for us – a proper exciting treat. Personalised products are my answer. To add to the excitement we like to invite people to get a real impression of what it takes to make their garment. This way we offer the best of both worlds – a personalised garment and transparency to our buyers, all the way through our supply chain. Our ethics run much deeper than this season’s fashion. The idea is to revive textiles traditions by building chic, fair-trade collections that make a conscious difference at grass-roots level, without compromising the thrill for good style." Annegret, Founder & Designer, Choolips

Galahad Clark, owner of Terra Plana states: "We admire the strides Choolips are making in sustainable apparel and we share the same core principles: to make truly sustainable products that are environmentally conscious, long-lasting, good looking and transparent. This project helps raise awareness of the entire supply chain, which is key."

Visit Choolips' 'Head to Toe' www.choolips.com

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Comment by Yuji Choo on May 8, 2010 at 11:38
WOW~~ Looks GREAT !!!

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