Many of you on this network may already be aware of, or have attended, the series of events called 'Spotlight on Sourcing'. So far the topics covered include sourcing sustainable fabrics and components, and sourcing sustainable manufacturing. If you'd like to download the notes from these events they are available through
this link, in the 'discussion forum' box.
The next events are fast approaching on Tuesday 21st April, so please don't forget to book your ticket to ensure a place.
There are two types of event on offer -
The evening seminar , this month looking at working with small co-operatives and community groups - involving a panel discussion from industry experts, a Q and A session, and the popular 'ethical marketplace', where attendees get to network with a range of sustainable suppliers and ethical organisations. Register and book your ticket
The Masterclass which this month addresses sustainable manufacturing, tackles the subject in detail, in a more intimate session and discussion tailored to the needs of attendees. Places are limited to 20, so
book now to avoid disappointment.
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