Beating Hearts: wear what you are, wear your rights

From the love of design as a form of expression and ethics as a way of living, comes Beating Hearts, the socially-aware fashion label which has created the first unique specific tee shirts collection dedicated entirely to the Universal declaration of Human Rights, as stated by the United Nations in 1948.

What we wear speaks volumes about who we are, our style, the way we are and what we believe in. As a form of expression, the image is part of our times, a fundamental part.
Thus the tee shirt - that universal garment and ideal canvas for expression through imagery - can carry a message, have an impact, be an instrument of freedom.
In a complex world that feels a growing need for a "global conscience", a new ethic is taking root in our society, bringing with it a slow but real change both in the health of our planet and in human destiny.

We believe in our dreams and we are convinced that if all of us do something, little as it may be, we can change the world, because the world is made up, above all, of the people we meet every day.
With this in mind, we have transformed our passion for fashion and design into a means to bring about change.
We live in an interconnected time and world full of images, but since very ancient times the people have acted on the need to design their beliefs, their dreams, their protests upon walls and any kind of materials, unfolding the essence of their "graffiti soul".
The same soul we have given to the powerful and planetary message of the Universal Declaration, expressed with the creation of a unique collection of 30 designs, one for each of the main Human Rights, each design being a single expression of the intrinsic meaning and making of its wearer a deliberate spokesperson.

The message to be transmitted through our t-shirts is the basic ideal of fair existence: Human Rights, each of them extremely important for every human being, for his forming, his maturation, his liberty, his dignity.
There is power in a dream, there is power in a message, there is power in the beating of our hearts. Beating Hearts: hence the name of our label and collection. For if it is true that two hearts may beat as one, in the same rhythm of life ten, a hundred, a thousand, millions, billions of people share it; a single beating, a single being: humanity.
Human Rights tee shirts by Beating Hearts are ethical not only in their message, but also in their nature and materials:
·Made of 100% pure organic cotton, using the highest quality material. Soft and naturally hypoallergenic, organic cotton is produced without the use of any pesticides or chemical fertilizers.
·Screen printing is done with environmentally friendly water-based colours.
·With respect to Human Rights and socially responsible manufacturing, tee shirts are made sweatshop free with no child labour.
·20% of the purchase proceeds will go to specific projects performed by non-profit Associations that defend Human Rights.

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