Simon King
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Profile Information

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Company / organisation:
London Denim
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Finished Branded Products
About me / About business or organisation:
London Denim is a British Streetwear brand located in Highgate North London.

We were founded by Simon King in 2001
Our product is manufactured in the UK and Italy.

By 2018 all of our product sold in the European Market will be manufactured in UK.

We sell primarily from our website


In our Italian manufactured jeans, we use Japanese denim made with African Cotton. When we transfer this production to the UK in 2018 we will only use Italian denim made with Turkish cotton or recycled denim. At this point, all of our denim will also contain a recycled or organic element to it.

All of our other garments are made from GOTs certified organic cotton from Turkey. This is important to us as organic cotton limits the harm our cotton does to the environment and road shipping from Turkey limits the CO2 created in shipping our raw materials to our factories.

All of our non-denim garments are made in the UK either in our factory in Leicester, our workshop in Kent or our studio in London. We do not make or hold stock of the majority of our products preferring to make to order. This means we don't manufacture unwanted product or have a distressed product of any nature.


A number of publications have featured or written about London Denim. These include FHM, The Sunday Times, Telegraph, The Guardian, Drapers Record, The Evening Standard, The Face, Stella Magazine, Spur, Vogue UK, Vogue Italia and Menswear Buyer
Career history / Company history:
A modern Arts and Crafts ethos informs our design, production, presentation giving a focus on tactility, quality and relevance. It also makes us focus on the impact our products have on the world around us.

We sweat the small details, am slightly experimental and not so hooked on the past and heritage that I ignore the future. We believe each of my products should add something new.

As a jean designer we work in the margins of product design. 75% of the work has already been completed by personalities and brands of the past: levi, lee and wrangler. Our challenge is to inject a vision into the proportions, shape and detail to create a product that represents our design philosophy, fits great, our customers can identify with and feel good about wearing. An Arts and Crafts ethos is not about a design style it's about a complete lack of compromise from everyone in the design and production process in their enjoying what they do, wanting to do it to the very best of their ability and being fairly rewarded for it.

Herritage product. There is a code to the production of a great pair of jeans. It's written in the materials, technique and details. While we follow strictly some heritage techniques and details they are not absolute law they are more a guide as to best practice that I weave our product about.

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At 10:15 on February 5, 2018, Sophie Reyer said…

Good Day,

How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on:( for the full details.

Have a nice day

Thanks God bless.



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