Hi there! I am hoping for your help to learn about suppliers through this extensive community!About the business idé: Personalized, wrinkle free and environmentally friendly day ware for conscious…Continue
Hi there! I am hoping for your help to learn about suppliers through this extensive community!About the business idé: Personalized, wrinkle free and environmentally friendly day ware for conscious…Continue
I am exploring a Business idé: Personalized, wrinkle free and environmentally friendly day ware for conscious women. (Perhaps even with the help of newly arrived refugees, to help them get into the working life in Sweden). The first test is to make a simple top. At the top of my priority list is currently the right choice of materials. I have read up quickly and think that Tencel / Lyocell and Industrial Hemp seem interesting. I am hoping to learn more, get expertice and tips through your extensive community!
Career history / Company history:
Entrepreneur and Business Owner/Business Developer with a track record outside of the fashion industry.
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My name is Mrs Kate,I was impressed to contact you today because i have something very vital to disclose to you. Its important that you get back to me because it is about you,In addition, please kindly contact me direct with my email( katekwame@yahoo.com )to enable me to send the details to you,for you to know whom i am,am Waiting to hear from you,Remember do not reply me in the http://ethicalfashionforum.ning.com use my private email address Thanks
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My name is Mrs Kate,I was impressed to contact you today because i have something very vital to disclose to you.
Its important that you get back to me because it is about you,In addition, please kindly contact me direct with my email( katekwame@yahoo.com )to enable me to send the details to you,for you to know whom i am,am Waiting to hear from you,Remember do not reply me in the
http://ethicalfashionforum.ning.com use my private email address
Kate Kwame.