Lynnette Abesamis
  • Female
  • London
  • United Kingdom
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  • Foram Shah
  • Annaly Faith Keane
  • Noreen Bautista

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Profile Information

Profession / role:
Costume Designer
Company / organisation:
Website (if you have one):
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
I am looking to discover or buy
to get recognition and build a client base also to exchange skill sets and experience
About me / About business or organisation:
Our concept is to create a style which reflects your personality aswell as making you feel good. Whether you decide to personally design an outfit of your choice for whatever the occasion may be, it is our job to create a unique look. The idea of customising clothing also has its advantages. By reinventing your wardrobe it introduces an individual and refreshing style like no other as well as
minimizing negative environmental impact by employing sustainable practices.
Career history / Company history:
- BA Honours Fashion Design & Development

- Experience working with Vivienne Westwood. I spent 6 months on an internship. I had the opportunity to work on three shows including Anglo Mania, Red Label and Gold Label in Paris. Since completing my degree I have worked on personal projects including customising clothing for Battle of the Runway, a modelling competition which takes place every year. Occasionally, I have designed and made costumes for events and independently orchestrated concepts, introducing themes and ideas along the way. Voluntarily I work at DRAMA I am responsible for costume, stage/prop designs for performances which are a great challenge and an opportunity for me to explore my creative talent. With all my experiences combined including my creative design skills and understanding of street fashion trends I pride myself on being a fashion-forward thinker who stays on top of the current trends in the industry. I am a dynamic team player with exemplary communication skills and I am always ready to think outside the square to make sure I am a step ahead of the rest. As for a future career I look forward to working closely with a fashion oriented company where I am able to utilise my skills to my fullest potential.

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At 3:46 on November 27, 2012, Noreen Bautista said…

Hi Sorry for the late reply.

I have a contact who makes Piña wardrobe. You can reach them here: Tepiña


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