United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Company / organisation:
Website (if you have one):
under construction
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Designer, Supplier, Photographer
I am looking to discover or buy
Partners in UK with whom we can work with who are interested in helping a particular charity I am involved with in South India.
About me / About business or organisation:
I am of anglo indian origin, and all that, that entails. Love my business but am an uneasy bed fellow with fashion for the hyprocisy that surrounds many of the statements and opinions held about it.

Have been working out of China for 27 years and India about 15 years and have seen many changes taking place in both countries, some for the good, some that still need improving.

My feelings around India and the work ethics that too often are expressed are that "don't criticise, unless you are willing to make a positive contribution for change, which goes all the way to the selling price of the final article sold to the final consumer". Email me
Career history / Company history:
Started out my career as a primary school teacher, and having given birth to my son, decided to stay home and play for a few years. Got involved through the fashion business through buying and selling antique textiles and making my first sales to Blakes Hotel and Harvey Nichols. Am still friends with the HN Buyer after all these years, which is quite a feat in this market.
Have been in the fashion related busines for 27 years, designing, buying, selling to the Uk market and Europe on occasions.
Have worked through three recessions and still hanging on to see patterns and changes re-emerging, and emerging and am working towards becoming an Anthropologist in my next life. Anthropology - very similar to the world of fashion.

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  • David McGill

    Have a look at thr three websites listed on my profile
  • Alma Erzhanova

    WIN A £50 GIFT VOUCHER!!!  

    Dear Anne Beth!

    I would very much appreciate your help. I am studying for an MA in Marketing at Kingston Business School under the supervision of Professor Robert East. We are conducting research about Fairtrade goods and ethical fashion clothes, and ask you to complete the enclosed short questionnaire. 
    I am also offering a £50 shopping gift voucher to the lucky prize draw winner!!!!

    Could you please complete this questionnaire, following the link
    Thank you very much for your help.
    Yours sincerely,

    Alma Erzhanova

  • Alma Erzhanova

    Red Ribbon