Susan Long
  • Female
  • Vienna, Hanoi, Newcastle
  • United Kingdom
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Profile Information

Profession / role:
Company / organisation:
Susan Long
Website (if you have one):!/pages/Susan-Long-Ethical-Fashion-Design-and-Dressmaking/124109854320101
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Consumer, Designer, Supplier, Manufacturer, Consultant
I am looking to discover or buy
Potential suppliers of material and/or tailors.
About me / About business or organisation:
Having worked as a management consultant and for the UN, I have returned to my early passion for making and designing clothes, combined with my constant interest in sustainable development.

I have just started working with a fair trade type workshop in Ho Chi Minh, who have made me a few samples, and intend to complete a collection with them.

I like to make clothes that can be worn by anybody, with a hint of Asian materials.

My first collection can be found here....!/pages/Susan-Long-Ethical-Fashion-Design-and-Dressmaking/124109854320101
Career history / Company history:
2001-2005 Manufacturing Engineering MEng, University of Cambridge
2005-2007 Consultant, Strategy Group, PricewaterhouseCoopers
2007-2008 Industry Trade and Development MSc, IDPM, Manchester
2008-2010 United Nations Industrial Development Organisation, Vienna and Vietnam
2010-present Own business

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At 10:01pm on July 26, 2011, Alma Erzhanova gave Susan Long a gift
At 22:01 on July 26, 2011, Alma Erzhanova said…


Dear Susan!

I would very much appreciate your help. I am studying for an MA in Marketing at Kingston Business School under the supervision of Professor Robert East. We are conducting research about Fairtrade goods and ethical fashion clothes, and ask you to complete the enclosed short questionnaire. 
I am also offering a £50 shopping gift voucher to the lucky prize draw winner!!!!

I really need to find  social responsible persons who buy ethical fashion clothes. Any help in distributing my link among ethically concerned people will be very valuable. 
Could you please complete this questionnaire, following the link
Thank you very much for your help.
Yours sincerely,

Alma Erzhanova