David Capece


Rochester, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Company / organisation:
Website (if you have one):
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
I am looking to discover or buy
Other Emerging Leaders
About me / About business or organisation:
Entrepreneur interested in branding projects with a purpose
Career history / Company history:
Sparxoo - Founder
Interbrand - Brand Strategist
ESPN.com - Marketing Director

Comment Wall:

  • David McGill

    Hi David, I have a project with a purpose for the US market which might interest you
  • David McGill

    David, as you can see from my profile I design tartans. Lots of them. The idea actually came to me as a result of research I had done by Wisconsin University who concluded that tartan was 'arguably the greatest national icon in the world.' It is also extremely flexible and never wholly out of fashion so by using the colours in the flags of countries or States or even football teams I have been able to create designs witth which others can associate and produce a range of 30+ items in each: clothing, accessories, gifts, stationery and now fashionwear.
    Each tartan is linked to a humanitarian project or project which receive a percentage of the value of sales. This is invested in setting up businesses to create self-sustainibility. Ethical not just in its source but in its application.
    I have recently been involved in fashion shows which showed me something of the potential of these designs: 'tartans for Africa' and 'The Four Seasons' for Japan.

    I am now involved with a group in San francisco who support a youth project in South Africa and have been invited by ABC Channel 7? to stage a show in SF in February and Cape Town in March. The centre-piece of the show in SF will be the launch of the NFL tartans. To date I have San Francisco 49ers.,St Louis Rams, Green Bay Packers and Miami Dolphins. I'll get to work on the other 28. My plan is to allow each club to generate profits for themselves on the understanding that that at least 10% goes to a humanitarian project of their choosing in Africa. If they dont agree they will receive nothing.
    I currently have 22 African tnational artans, 10 European, 4 Japanese and 7 US States (including New York State). What I have learned is that one should be careful in doing business in different countries with different cultures and business methods and seek advice ot partners.
    I have brands for Africa and Japan and even titles for the fashion shows. However I am starting afresh in the US and would want to maximise the potential in this market, so am looking for partners with expertise.