Winston Hoyte



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Visual Communication
Company / organisation:
Website (if you have one):
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Business Owner
I am looking to discover or buy
Fashion Designers, other creatives, business leads
About me / About business or organisation:
Our branded products convey witty, positive and thought-provoking messages through the art of visual communication, while encouraging corporate social responsibility (CSR) via the consumption of ethical and sustainable materials to encourage that lifestyle.

At Mancinism we're “Cut From a Different Cloth” – we make an educational and positive statements by being environmentally friendly while supporting and raising awareness of Equality & Diversity. We supply you with alternative products made from materials such as organic cotton and natural, recycled, biodegradable and antimicrobial materials such as recycled plastics, rubbers, timbers and non-woven polypropylene, for everyday items used in the home, office and outdoors, warn and used by everyone.

We engage with local communities by providing (voluntary) creative sessions for the youth, currently championing a social enterprise project and LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) communities from a local housing association. We're looking for more ways to collaborate with different parts of the public sector, to improve the range of services / activities in areas that may be considered deprived. It's not just Equality & Diversity we're supporting, we also have a few other campaign projects we have up our organic sleeve, such as alcohol awareness, anti gun & knife crime and FGM (Female Genital Mutilation)!

I started Mancinism Design in July 2010 in Cheltenham after a bout of 7 years of homelessness, since 2008 I've been volunteering for various Gloucestershire councils, youth clubs and organisations.
Career history / Company history:
Mancinism has grown from a visual communication & print service, into an inclusive bespoke ethical fashion & goods company, ranging from eco-friendly clothing, accessories, merchandise, stationery and printer material - our equality & diversity ethical brand offers an educational twist, based upon the current 9 protected characteristics: age, colour, disability, gender, marriage & civil partnership, pregnancy & maternity, religion, sexual orientation & transgender.

I graduated at Middlesex University in 2000 with a BA Hons Visual Communication Design degree, 6 months later I went to Florence, Italy on a community exchange course for a total of 17 weeks, learning the language and gaining work experience...I also got the added bonus of being scouted for modelling.

Comment Wall:

  • Aafreen Hasnain

    Hello Winston!

    Checked your website just now, it is great!