Hannah Jean


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Image consultant and stylist
Company / organisation:
Hannah J Image Consultancy
Website (if you have one):
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
I am looking to discover or buy
Opportunities to work as a stylist for ethical companies
About me / About business or organisation:
Fun loving idealist who runs own image consultancy based in Brick Lane. Specialises in colour, style, personality, wardrobe detox and personal shopping.

Has lived and worked across London, Cape Town and Delhi, and is commited to using image as a means to transform lives through her collaboration with The Prince’s Trust in creating the Divalicious project.
Career history / Company history:
Completed Image Consultant training with The Style Alchemist in August 2008, and was subsequently accredited as an Affiliate Member of The Federation of Image Consultants (www.tfic.org.uk).

Set up own consultancy in October 2008 based in Brick Lane and has worked with many individual clients. Spent three months working as a fashion and personal stylist with with www.habits.co.za and www.styleassist.co.za out in Cape Town. Returned to London in May to work as head stylist for www.brightonfrocks.com and continues with her individual client base.

Comment Wall:

  • David McGill

    Hi Hannah youre not thinking of going back to Cape Town are ? We will running a fashion show there next March.
  • Naomi CR

    Dear Hannah-Jean,
    Thought you might be interested to learn about my recently launched, ethical accessories co. NV London Calcutta.
    Pls visit our site www.NVLondonCalcutta.com to view the Collection & learn more.
    Please do let me know if our products may be useful for any of your projects.
    I would also be interested to have your contact details and see any emailable portfolio shots of your work, so we have a reference should we need a stylist in the coming months.
    Look forward to hearing from you.
    Best wishes,
  • Meaghan Curry


    Welcome to the Africa Network!

    If you have any news, events or information you want to share, please start discussions and engage in dialogue.

    Ethical Fashion Forum is trying to build this network to encompass all those interested in sustainable production in Africa, so please encourage interested people to join!
