carina morley



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Profession / role:
fashion student
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
I am looking to discover or buy
as much information as possible for my dissertation
About me / About business or organisation:
Im studying international fashion marketing at manchester metropolitan university, im in my final year, im writing my dissertation on ethical fashion
Career history / Company history:
studying, retail, bar work would like to train as a buyer once i finish

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  • David McGill

    Hi Carina, i suppose a lot depends on the specific area your dissertation is intend to cover but for me ethical is in danger of becoming a much-abused word. A lot of people seem to think that any clothing items not made up in a sweatshop or not by children who should be at school or which are made up by people who receive slightly more than slave wages are somehow 'ethical' . I dont think so. Ethical has to be more than that .

    The fabric itself. Is it ethical to grow water-hungry cotton, organic or not, on land where food should be grown and which uses up the drinking water supply just to fill the shelves of High Street stores in Europe and the USA.? I dont think so.

    The products. Is it truly ethical to pay a fraction over slave wages to people to produce garments that sell for a king's ransom in the West but never share in any profits which would allow the producers to improve their lives? I dont think so

    There are a lot of questions about 'ethical' clothing that need to be asked and answered

    I have my designs woven in wool which is both 'ethical' and eco-friendly. Products are made by companies who apply acceptable standards in the workplace and pay fair wages. I return a percentage of the profits to create new businesses.
  • Naomi CR

    No problem! I'm happy to help. Please feel free to email me on Thanks for all the positive feedback.
    Best wishes,
  • Susanna Kelly

    Hi Carina


    I'm based in Manchester and about to launch a new Fashion Camp for 10-18 year olds. A the core of the programme I am passionate about educating this age group - the future of fashion and the consumer - to consider ethical fashion. I'm looking for fashion students who would like paid work in helping to run the courses at the weekends and during the holidays. My email is if you want to drop me a line if you're intereseted?


    take care

