


Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Jewellery Designer
Company / organisation:
Website (if you have one):
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
I am looking to discover or buy
I am looking to sell or offer
Finished Branded Products
About me / About business or organisation:
T4F is introduced and positioned in the Slow Fashion jewellery market as a sustainable Brand, based on the originality of forward concept designs. Strongly supporting the benefit of uniqueness, all products are one-off offering our fans the advantage to stand out.

Designing and then giving form to jewellery by reinventing ways of how to use a certain object, provides an enormous sense of freedom and scope, to create. Discarded objects can be transformed into the most fascinating raw material which in turn, are used to creating upcycled fashion forward jewellery.
Career history / Company history:
Katerina Stamatopoulou has studied Marketing and mastered in fashion advertising and communication at Bournemouth University (U.K.). Working in the field of Advertising and Market research led to a later career shift towards fashion. Currently living in Athens promoting TRASH4FLASH both nationally and internationally.

Comment Wall:

  • Hailey Hollinsworth

    Thank you! Love your jewellery! 

  • Dr.Gabriella Mányi Walek

    Very lovely collection. I hope that we can cooperate in the future. In our ECO TEAM in my fashion organisation, National Fashion League we are looking for such innovative designers to work with. We are the main supporter of the Budapest Fashion Week.

    Kind regards,
