Marcelline Walker


San Marcos, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Accessory Designer
Company / organisation:
Website (if you have one):
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Consumer, Designer
I am looking to discover or buy
People who design with the earth and environment in mind.
About me / About business or organisation:
Designer, Wife, Conscience consumer, loves to dance in the sunshine, be creative, see the world, learn something new everyday, watch informative movies, educate herself, wear local designer apparel, save animals & frown at mean people.
Career history / Company history:
Ashworth golf company-SMU deisgner
Prana-Yoga and Climbing- Accessory designer

Comment Wall:

  • David McGill

    Hi Marcelline, would you like to help make a difference?
  • David McGill

    Hi Marcelline Its a variation on the Robin Hood theme of robbing the rich to feed the poor. Not robbing just providing well-made ethically-produced clothing and accessories which actually have a meaning and diverting a percentage of the profits to create sustainable businesses in Africa and Asia. Profits not 'fair price' for raw materials as in FairTrade. And on a giant scale that may actually make a visible difference in my lifetime. And by providing individual countries with a national symbol help to create awareness and educate the west. Africa is not a country nor an island, but a continent of 52 countries: 52 individual countries, some with many different languages and cultures. One is 3 times the size of France Another has a population 2.5 times that of the UK. But who bothers?

    If you have a look at the pics on my profile you'll see fashionwear designed made and even modelled by 'African' refugee/asylum seekers in the UK.

    Anyone can join in.