

United States

Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Corporate Social Responsibility
Company / organisation:
Kate Spade LLC
Website (if you have one):
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
I am looking to discover or buy
Information on Best in Class Sourcing Strategies
About me / About business or organisation:
I am living and working in New York City. I love yoga, traveling and fashion!
Career history / Company history:
Prior to coming to Kate Spade LLC, I worked at the US Chamber of Commerce on Global Corporate Social Responsibility

Comment Wall:

  • Lyn Melgar

    Thank you for your comment! At the invitation of more than five years ago, Isabelle  Quehe to participate in Ethical Fashion show Paris  , as an independent designer did not want to do it alone (I do not want to feed my ego alone or profit,  I felt inwardly eco textile of creative luxury not enough,  must wear a transcendent message from a window that could potentially influence as many people as possible on a global scale through my teaching vocation. so get everyone...A big hug from Buenos Aires Argentina