Bhakti Talreja




Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Company / organisation:
So Ethic
Website (if you have one):
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Buyer, Retailer
I am looking to discover or buy
Chic, Stylish and Fashionable Ethical fashion brands from across the globe who would be interested in retailing out of our chain of stores.
About me / About business or organisation:
I run a Ethical Fashion Store in Melbourne, Australia named SO ETHIC.

Australia's first ever Non-profit Ethical Fashion Store, So Ethic aims to sustain sustainable fashion by giving the right kind of market and support it needs. All profits from the store will be used to source ethical products and fabrics from rural areas that will in turn be sold at So Ethic. This will ensure a regular cycle is created for ethical products while giving them the right sort of market and visibility. So Ethic aims to sustain a market for Ethical fashion.

Each item sold at So Ethic has been made with by designers who follow an approach to the design, sourcing and manufacture of clothing which is socially and environmentally conscious.

This is a unique sales and press Ethical hub, representing high-end designer clothing and accessory ranges, particularly those with a commitment to sustainable design and socially conscious business practices.

So Ethic will open its doors for public in June 2010. On the opening day, we will have a charity "tweet up". Watch this space for more!

We encourage you to be chic in the most ETHICAL way.
Career history / Company history:
I am happy to introduce you to SO ETHIC- Australia's first and only non profit Ethical fashion store. We bring to the people of Melbourne, hi fashion garments and accessories made by Ethical designers from UK, U.S, France, Iceland, Canada, India and Bangladesh.

We plan to start 5 such stores in different parts of the world soon. Our aim is to sustain sustainable fashion and to help revive dying crafts.

Earlier on in my career, I have worked with Samant Chauhan, India who is an Ethical Fashion designer for 3 years to understand the nature of this industry and to help him with his PR and marketing.

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  • Colin Leslie Bamboo Eyewear

    hi Bhakti, thank you for adding me ...please take the time to view my bamboo sunglasses ...
    im looking for more press due to a launch at
    regards colin
  • ravi maheshwari

    interesting blog
  • Penny Cantle

    Hi, love what you're doing in Melbourne. Here in Newcastle it seems a bit of an ethical fashion wasteland - probably just a need for awareness but it feels lonely here trying to make an ethical label viable. So glad to have found EFF and now maybe some contacts in Aus who care about the same things I do. I'm visiting Melbourne over Easter - is your store open for visitors?