Shevanne Helmer


Paris, France


Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Creative Director
Company / organisation:
Lotty Dotty
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
I am looking to discover or buy
Maunfacturers and suppliers
About me / About business or organisation:
I am committed to helping to improve the condition of the world in which we inhabit. This is reflected in the way I live and in the way I work. I love people and naively still believe in the goodness of the human nature.
Career history / Company history:
Designer and Owner of "Iroko";(1992-1999) PR and Communication director - Trash Couture (2001 - 2003): Marketing Director - WICE (2007 - 2009); Creative Director and Owner - Lotty Dotty (2009 - )

Comment Wall:

  • David McGill

    Hi Shevanne, i couldnt find a Lotty Dotty website to find out what you manufacture but I like the way in which you express your values. If you undertake joint projects there may be some mileage
  • jacqueline

    welcome to the site!