Kristiina Stromness


Salt Lake City, UT

United States

Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Website (if you have one):
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
I am looking to discover or buy
eco-friendly brands and vegan fashion items
About me / About business or organisation:
I blog about vegan and eco-friendly fashion, beauty and DIY.
Career history / Company history:
My blog has been around since October 2010. I recently started guest posting for and other sites.

Comment Wall:

  • Colin Leslie Bamboo Eyewear

    Hi Kristina , welcome to the source.

    Please taje your time to check over my website and home page here. I am looking for some more exposure for my brand of ethical fashion designer bamboo eyewear. I sell in USA and Europe also parts of Asia. just to Ethical fashion boutiques physical and online stores. I also have celebrities In USA and UK wearing my bamboo sunglasses. At the moment I am offical sponsor to the Miss Malibu beauty contest, also official sponsor to Sunset island Music . who are having a Music festival on the 29th sept in aid of Ape fest . relating to drud addiction in the USA

    if you would like to know more please feel free to contact me.

  • Colin Leslie Bamboo Eyewear

    Hi Kristiina,

    Sorry for the late reply, I am waiting on some new pictures of Hollywood Actress Lesley Ann Brandt. In my bamboo sunglasses. I have also just become the official sponsor of Miss Malibu 2012. One of the contestants is using a ethical fashion related theme. You mentioned that you need a press pack. Could you let me know, what you need as a press pack.

    Also your email address so that i can send you product photos etc ..

