Michelle Helen



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Model, Designer & Ethical Fashion Blogger
Company / organisation:
Michelle Helen
Website (if you have one):
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Designer, Model, Press, Student, Other
I am looking to discover or buy
Networking opportunities and like minded individuals
About me / About business or organisation:
Michelle Helen is a Model who writes religiously about Ethical Fashion, Environmental Issues and Animal Rights. With this, she aims to create a central for Ethical Fashion and enhance the significance of Fair produce and consumerism.

Michelle Helen reports daily on ethical and sustainable issues, recent developments and innovations, as well as a variety of tutorials on DIY and recycled craft and design projects and personal style posts.

She is currently producing her very own Fair Trade, Vegan, Sustainable and Eco fashion brand - which is to launch in 2012.
Career history / Company history:

Comment Wall:

  • Maiya

    Hi Michelle, I look forward to seeing your blog... the Maiya website should be live end of July. Best wishes, Helen
  • Alma Erzhanova

    Red Ribbon
  • sheeza ayub

    no problem, thank you for accepting!