Gyorgyi Szabo




Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Company / organisation:
Website (if you have one):
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Designer, Manufacturer, Consultant
I am looking to discover or buy
Manufactures and suppliers of eco leathers and leathergoods, interesting tapestry/upholstery fabrics, organic cottons and bamboo etc.
About me / About business or organisation:
Have 3 beautiful independant children and now have the capacity to keep my mojo shakin!
Love keeping fit & healthy, enjoy arthouse music and events.
Love surrealistic art, deco, nouveau, electronica and rock!
Career history / Company history:
Completed 3 year diploma of Fashion design and production at Gordon Institute, Geelong.
National 1st prize winner of Wool Corporation Awards.
Worked as designer, patternmaker, garment technician and developer for many years at various companies which were more ethical in earlier days of my career when local manufacturing was predominant.
I also had my own small fashion business with a retail outlet, which was locally and therefore ethically produced (the good old days in Australian fashion history).

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  • George

    Fashion World is a place where designers, pattern makers, publicsts, retailers, consumers such as Billionaires, Millionaires and members of the royal families can connect with professional people like you who deserve to be connected today.

  • Shahid Hussain Shamim

    Yes we are friend now.....I can produce 500gsm weight fabric in backstrap weaving. Pls. be in touch. Send some idea of development.....I have my own stedio for R&D. I'm a lover of development.....
  • Dr.Gabriella Mányi Walek

    Dear Györgyi,

    Please join to our group: Sustainable Fashion and Beauty. Gondolom, hogy magyarul is beszélsz, szeretettel üdvözöllek Budapestről és jó lenne a kapcsolatot tartani! Gabi