Alma Erzhanova



Russian Federation

Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Master student of Kingston University London
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Consumer, Model, Student
I am looking to discover or buy
new contacts and job opportunities
About me / About business or organisation:
I am very social responsible person. Currently I am conducting a survey about Fairtrade food and ethical fashion clothes.
Please help me to distribute this link among the persons who buy it. I establishes a prize- 50 pounds gift voucher for the best respondent.Thank you very much for your help.
Career history / Company history:
iwas working in fashion business 10 years. Firstly as a model, them as a general director of a model agency. Currently I am a Master student of Kingston University London in Marketing Communications and Advertising

Comment Wall:


    Alma, it is donne! Good look! i know what it is... i´ve made this kind of serach here in Brazil to my master degree. It was about 500 people - 15000 answers! Almost the same questions you´re using - consumer, susteinable fashion, fair trade. Maybe my teses could help you, dear.

    my e-mail is

    Kiss from Rio!

  • Lindsay Duncan

    I have done the survey for you, good luck with the project.


    Kind regards Lindsay Duncan

  • Jacqueline Schriewer Rizk

    Alma it's done.  Hope it helps and good luck!
  • Vivienne Austin

    Hi Alma,
    I've filled out the questionaire, and will forward to my best friend, who owns Potassium. Do you know the store in Bloomsbury, London? it's the only ethical independent retailer in central London. I'm sure it would be good for you to speak to him.
    Good luck. I"m also looking to go back and study an MA in September!
  • Vivienne Austin

    BTW you can see the online store at

    Hi Alma,

    I will fill in the questionnaire as soon as I can and will help where I can in your research.
    Kind Regards
  • Komal Sable

    Hi Alma, 


    I have filled out the questionnaire. I have some journals and article for fairtrade cotton, as I was doing my last research on luxury brands and fairtrade cotton if you wish I could sent it across. Currently I am doing my final research on customer care for luxury brands. It would be really helpful if you could circulate my survey around if thats possible.




  • Davinia Lorretta

    Hi Alma, 

    I have completed your questionnaire would be very interested in the results of your survey particularly the section on Ethical clothing and buying behaviour to become a feature in my blog post. 




  • Anna Stervinou

  • Radhika Sathe

    Red Ribbon
  • Alexandra

    Hi Alma, I have completed the questionnaire for you - best of lo=uck with your studies! Keep up the good work :D 



  • Daniel Speed

    Hello Alma,


    Thanks for the contact. I have completed your survey - please let me know you findings - I am especially interested in the buying behaviour and sourcing of men and ethical fashion.


    Cheers for now.

  • Jandi Kim

    thank you :) but can i ask why did u send me a red ribbon? :)
  • Rebecca

    Hi Alma,

    Sorry, I couldn't complete the questionnaire - it just became fixated by the 'advice' and I didn't recall ever having received advice so everything became a lie.

    I just read the label on a product / food & if it speaks to me as being ethical or sustainable (one aspect of which is fairtrade), I buy it....

    Don't think this is what you're looking for though :)


  • Peter Gorse

    Hi Alma,

    I have completed your survey. Good luck with your studies.


    Golf Refugees



  • Hayley Ann Bishop

    I completed your questionnaire!
  • eva cammarata

    Red Ribbon
  • Alison Withell

    Have filled in your questionaire. Wishing you every success for the future. Dribblebusters are made Fairtrade.
  • Christopher Stopes

    Thanks for the survey. Please can you let me know when results will be available. It would be useful for me to find out more about your work. Thanks, Christopher
  • Witty Hearts

    Hi alma


    Just completed you questionnarie.




  • Margaret Kadi

    Hi Alma, Hope you are well. I am so sorry that I missed completing the questionnaire you sent me!  The internet service is quite intermittent in Sierra Leone so perhaps that's why.  I hope you did very well in your masters degree!

    Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help with from hereonin -

    Take Care,


  • Miss Charlie Lamb

    I tried my best to fill in the questionaire but it wasnt all that easy.  I didnt often want to give a yes or no answer and it wouldnt allow me to write anything else, so i felt i just had to continue answering even though i wasnt able to express the truth.
