David McGill



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Company / organisation:
tartans for Africa
Website (if you have one):
www.tartansforafrica.com / www.internationaltartans.co.uk / www.sakurascotland.com
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Designer, Supplier, Manufacturer
I am looking to discover or buy
joint ventures, suppliers
About me / About business or organisation:
enthusiastic about using fashion to effect greater economic and social justice

This is the YouTube link for the Tartans for Africa fashion show. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=tartans+for+africa&...
Career history / Company history:
chartered architect . Started designing textiles 10 years ago

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  • Rebecca

    Hi David. Thanks for your message. Whilst your forte is clearly tartan, is it exclusively so? Rebecca
  • Rebecca

    By the way, I'm loving the tartan sheep! :)
  • Rebecca

    What a great idea - I'm glad it works for you.
    However, not sure I could use tartan as an ongoing fabric - it's a very specific look... But I like your reasons for doing it. Do you offer plains too?
  • Annah Y O'Akwanu

    Hi, David I had a look at the website as a deep lover of Scotland, I am really liking the concept, please keep me posted on the collaborative ideas, I can definitely bring my African ethnic input if needed.

    Take care.
  • Annah Y O'Akwanu

    I love the Tartan blazers and the dresses. Very well done.
  • Olivia Barker

    Hi David,
    Yes tartan paper would make great looking necklaces!
    I looked at your tartans for africa website, the work you are doing looks great, Kids Club Kampala works in Uganda it would be great to link up.
  • Olivia Barker

    That would be great thanks!
  • Olivia Barker

    Many thanks!
  • Olivia Barker

    Hi David,
    I recieved the tartan paper- thank you so much! I am going to uganda in a couple of weeks so will take it with me and let you know how the jewellery turns out! Many thanks x
  • Olivia Barker

    That would be fantastic- we can easily make bracelets to match necklaces and could definatly have a go at making scrunchies! If you dont mind that would be great thanks!
  • Katharina von Meyenn Sutton

    I'd love to see your products!! Where can I see them?
  • Piotr Golabek

    hi! thanks for interest. please tell me what you are interested in in larger detail please!
  • Carlo Branca

    Hi David,
    also my Blood is Black and Blue! :)
    Just one Fait: F.C. Inter! :D

  • Cintia Pacheco Leite

    Hey!! Would love to see that!! What do you do?
  • Nyakio Ndungu

    Hey David,

    How wonderful to hear from you. I looked up tartans for Africa and was very impressed. And I just love the sheep on your profile. I will be launching the website very soon, but can send you some photos of my work. The events sound great, I would love to know more.


  • Maria Novak


    Thanks so much for contacting me.  That is so interesting that you were also an architect before moving into the fashion industry!  I love the tartan fabrics showing in your pictures.  I will definitely keep you in mind as I move into more of the design side of the business.  Right now I am trying to learn as much as I can about selling and retail, and once that part of my business is established, I plan to design more.  I will keep your tartans in mind -


    Thanks so much,

    Maria Novak

  • Tomoko Minagawa

    This is tomoko  .if u rare still interested in my work .pllease let me know.     
    Thank u.

  • Abimbola Orogun

    Children clothes ages 2-15

  • Sophie Austin

    Hi David, our venture is quite grass roots at this stage, but our vision is to connect ethical designers/ producers with suppliers....

    where are you based?

    best regards


  • fiona Hutchison

    Hi David

    Thank you for contacting me. I have just signed up for this web site and was surprised to get  such a quick contact.

    I really enjoy working to commission and have done work for both private and corporate clients. What kind of work is your friend interested in? I work in both stitch and weave, large and small. If you let me know I can send more details.

    Loved looking at at your work, great to see such exciting new work in tartan

    bast wishes


  • anthony grant

    HI David


    Very interested in the idea  .


    Please can you outline the project you are considering


    Please may I have details . 


    Thank you



  • fiona Hutchison

    Hi David. Very surprised - had not heard of him before. A very interesting man. We Scots do get about and do amazing things all around the world. It sounds like a great subject to research and work with. How would you suggest I make contact with you friend - I could post her some images and a letter of introduction - if she is traveling to Edinburgh at any time I would be delighted to invite her to visit my studio. What do you think? Hope you have a very peaceful christmas and best wishes for new year.


  • Imen Guelbi

    Hello David,

    Thank you for your interest in my fashion design services.

    Yes, I'm very interested in working on your project. If you can send me more details that would be great.

    Looking forward to your reply.


  • Zaida Adriana Goveo Balmaseda

    Dear David;

    Happy New Year. This is my first connection since I joined the EFF, it feels good to know that there are so many people who share your concerns globally and that we are getting together to create positive change.

    I'm always open and interested in collaborating. Tell me more!



    Zaida Adriana

  • Susanna Kelly

    Hi David,


    Great to hear from you and I'm equally interested in what you're doing with the schools programme - there could be some room for collaboration. Why not email me at susanna@susannakelly.com. I'm also swimming around the sea of social networking :) and you can find me on twitter at SayHiSusanna and FashionCampUk. I love using skype as there's no cost to anyone and that ALWAYS has to be a good thing :) My id is susanna.kelly.


    Lets talk soon!



  • Farah Aljundi

    Hi David,
    Thanks for your comment, would you mind please elaborating how it is you are involved in the Asian market and how you would be interested in collaborating.
    looking forward to hearing from you,
  • Farah Aljundi

    Very interesting site...Any ideas on how you would like to collaborate?
  • florence.b

    "Le partenariat désigne un accord formel entre deux ou plusieurs parties qui ont convenu de travailler en coopération dans la poursuite d’objectifs communs"

  • maeve bambury

    Hi David..

    Yes I am in Patsy's group..

  • Nicola Thornley

    Hi David,  I know of a few producers in Tanzania who can produce tartans (I'm sure they don't have experience of Scottish tartans but they produce the traditional Massai shuka cloths).  Minimums might be quite big though....what sort of quantities do you produce?  I'm working with some hand-weavers - this might be a more viable and interesting option.
  • elena salcedo

    Hi David,

    Actually I am mainly interested in projects to get designers and craftmanship cooperatives in together in order to develope a better product in terms of design value and sales potential and at the same time create an unforgettable professional and personal experience for both of them.  

    But since I am pretty new on this ship (ethical fashion), I would be glad do participate or collaborate with any project where I could contribute and learn.

    Talk to you soon

    Elena Salcedo 

  • Margaret Kadi

    Hi David,


    Thank you for getting in touch.  You are doing a great thing fro Africa and your fabrics are divine!




  • Margaret Kadi

    Hi David,

    I have only just started my business and I want to work with African Fabrics for now. My business focuses on sourcing all materials from Sierra Leone also.  If I grow and things change then I would definitely be interested.


    Hi ! David,

    will like to help you to fulfill your dream, please write an email explaining - what eactly do you want teh students be involved in ....the indian tartan can be sourced well from the south of india , in fact i used to use this fabric a lot when working with GAP. 


    My email address is rekha.dar@gmail.com or rekha2pearlacademy.com  
  • Carol Ryder

    Hey David!

    I've just been reading about your collaborations with colleges.

    I'm a senior fashion lecturer at Liverpool John Moores University, and would be very interested in a collaborative project.

    What do you think?


  • Carol Ryder

    Hmmm... can you give me a better idea of what you have in mind?


  • Sophie Down

    Perhaps we should touch base then David? Shall I give you my email address?
  • Paola Masperi

    Hi David, thanks for this - let me know what your interest is. Also would be good to understand more about how your tartans are made/where etc. you can email me on paola@mayamiko.org thanks

  • Natalia Bertolo

    Hi David! Let me know about it!! My e-mail is natibertolo@gmail.com! Thanks!

    Hey David... thanks a lot for your interest and help; i would love to read it...leave you my email: mirellicious@hotmail.com

    and thanks again!!... i hope finish it soon!!!


  • Shahrzad Amoli

    Hi David Good to hear of your interest.  Our coming soon and sign up page should be up this week.  I'll keep you posted.  Your line of work and the ethos sounds amazing.  We'all about creating opportunities for everyone regardless of their geographical situation.  Let's keep in touch
  • hazel Terry

    Thanks David, that would be great, my email is hazelterry@adamsmith.ac.uk I want to try to get the students motivated into creating their own businesses do you think you could come and give a presentation on your work and how you started your new career.

    Best wishes


  • arvind pawar

    yes we can produce but give me detail particular and quqntity .Thanks for comment.take care
  • Shahrzad Amoli

    Hi David please visit www.rtister.com, we now have our coming soon page up.  Will keep you posted when the website is launched (towards end October)


  • shailini sheth amin

    Hi David,


    Good to hear from you!  Please send me details and we will be happy to work with you!!


    Warm Regards


  • Ryon C. Patterson

    Greetings to you David,

    How are things going? I am very excited to hear more about your project.



  • lusmila mccoll

    yes, would love to work with scottish fabrics.

    I created a Harris Tweed Promotional Collection a couple years back. I  am now interested in having it produced and sold in the UK.

  • lusmila mccoll

    great! thanks, David!

  • Enoch Owusu-Nkansah

    thanks David, I would appreciate your information. send to e-mail at onenoch@yahoo.com. cheers!