ravi maheshwari


jodhpur, rajasthan


Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Company / organisation:
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Consumer, Supplier, Manufacturer, Student
I am looking to discover or buy
networking,garment manufacturer interested in printing
About me / About business or organisation:
don't make relation for work, make work for relation...
keep smiling
Career history / Company history:
mechanical engineer,
now learning fabric printing & finishing

Comment Wall:

  • Katharine

    Hi Ravi,

    I may well be interested actually, I have a lot of ideas for print and need someone who can! Do you have any samples of the kind of work you do? And what kind of printing is it? screen print/block.. And dying too, I will need some dying.

    I don't think I will be ready to use it for this collection, I am keeping it quite plain. But certainly for Autumn/winter '11.

    If u could email some images that would be amazing.

    Thanks, Katharine
  • Pamela Ravasio

    Thanks for the wishes :D - hope all is going well!
  • Sanjay Mehta

    Can you send me you email id?
    mine is
  • David McGill

    If you can produce ny designs then Im interested Ravi
  • David McGill

    Cant see any images Ravi. Try sending them to davidmcgill61@yahoo.co.uk
  • Charlie Boots

    bless you!! Thankyou very much!
  • Athena Bentila - MuMu organic

    Hello Ravi,

    I hope the same for you too.

  • Katrina O'Brien

    Hiya, Thanks for the comment! And thanks for the picture ones to :)