Mai Trebuil



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Website (if you have one):
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Consumer, Designer, Photographer, Consultant
I am looking to discover or buy
lectures, events, discussions, projects, etc. If you are interested in collaborating or even just exchanging ideas get in touch! Thank you!
About me / About business or organisation:
My work revolves around creating garments from raw yarn to finished product with an embedded responsible and sustainable design identity. I believe design capacities should lead and not be excused by a product's ethical awareness. In turn sustainability cannot act as an add-on but needs to be part of the final outcome's DNA.
Career history / Company history:
I have worked as a designer for a fair trade group of silk ikat weavers in Thailand called Silk Net. We have a small collection of household furnishings and scarves. My MA at Chelsea College of Art and Design focused on handwoven Thai silk, natural dyes and minimal waste pattern cutting. The final collection is available to view at

Comment Wall:

  • George

    Greetings Mai...:)