


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Company / organisation:
Website (if you have one):
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
I am looking to discover or buy
Useful information and ideas from other members, chat about recycled fashion and to promote sustainable style through second hand clothes
About me / About business or organisation:
I am DIrector at Heathcote Communications Ltd a company specialising in online fashion marketing. Our newly launched website Posh-swaps.com is a place to swap, buy and sell second hand, vintage and recycled reworked clothes for free.
Career history / Company history:
Two years ago I started writing my own fashion blog www.style-eyes-fashion-blog.com. One thing led to another and I now write for a number of commercial blogs as well as running my own fashion websites.

Comment Wall:

  • Naomi CR


    Just a quick note to make you aware of my newly launched, ethical accessories co. NV London Calcutta, recently shortlisted for the EFF's Innovation Award.

    Please visit our site www.NVLondonCalcutta.com where you can view the whole Collection & learn more about the people and processes behind the label.

    We are exhibiting our Classic Collection and all new wallets, purses and toiletry range at PURE (Olympia 2-4th Aug) on stand L16 in the Gallery. Our bags and scarves will be also be appearing on the catwalk as part of the fashion shows.

    Please do let me know if you would like any other information, or indeed, if our launch press rel. would be of interest.

    Best wishes,
