Ishwari Vijay Thopte



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Writer, Marketing, Design, Fashion Consultancy
Company / organisation:
Centre for Fashion Enterprise and Eco Fashion World
Website (if you have one):,
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Consumer, Press, Consultant
I am looking to discover or buy
Networking and Sponsorships for upcoming designers.
About me / About business or organisation:
I have been writing for Eco Fashion World since August 2009 which has helped me build a strong network in London. My marketing position with Centre for Fashion Enterprise further allows me to use my knowledge and expertise in digital marketing and social media to help CFE grow its brand visibility and drive sponsorships for our venture and pioneer designers.
Career history / Company history:
Marketing Assitant, Centre for Fashion Enterprise
Writer for Eco Fashion World
Sales Advisor with Stepevi, House of Faser
Retail Advisor with River Island
Costume design for Mtv
Assistant Designer and Stylist to Mr. Rocky S
Costumes and Make up for 2 short films: "7 to 9" "Wild Roses"
Guest Lecture on Fashion Styling and Makeup at NIFT Mumbai.

Comment Wall:


    Hi Ishwari
    Lovely to hear from you so quickly!
    I am actually really needing a patternmaker, to begin with. Do you know anyone that can help?
    I arrive In Delhi tomorrow, and will mak plans from there on.
    The fabrics i am looking to use are organic cotton such as jersey and voile & silks.
    I will give you a call in the next few days when I have a phone!

  • Michael Pegrum


    Hey. Lets be friends.

    Hope all is well with you What are you up to now.
  • Anne Prahl


    i am off to india in july, for the shared talent india project with pearl academy...good luck with your applications for the ma in london.
  • Anja Mury

    Hi Ishwari,

    yes of course! Let me know if I can be of any help....

  • Prama Bhardwaj

    hi there, yes sure. good luck and stay in touch
  • David McGill

    Of course we can.
  • Lily McCallin

    Hi Ishwari,
    I'm afraid I didn't study fashion, I studied Graphic Design, so I'm not the best person to ask, I do think that you won't go wrong with either though, they're both very reputable and you will have a lot of fun! Good luck!
  • Maame Baryeh

    Hello Ishwari, of course we must. It's always good to connect with fellow designers and creative people. I'd be interested to hear more about your MA and where the journey takes you.
  • Gill Baksi

    Hi Yes. of course. If I can help ?...I have worked for many years as a freelance womenswear designer (mostly with India based manufacturers) and also developing own range/ label now. I do freelance consultancy, design. toile/pattern making and illustration ..oh, and teaching! I have had a general interest in all aspects of ethical / eco fashion (since about 1989!) and teach this as part Professional Studies on a FdA Fashion Course

    Email me to discuss what you're doing there are some good crossovers here - take a look on my website under film Henry V111 and give some thought to how you may see yourself moving forward
  • Gill Baksi

    I teach on the Middlesex Univeristy Foundation in Fashion Course which is equivalent to the first 2 years of a BA Degree but also a qualification in its own right, preparing students for direct employment in industry. It is primarily designed for mature students or people returning or re training or for those who need more support to develop to degree level. I am based in Barnet in North London. I'm sure that both LCF and Trent would be good choices but i would say that there are always advantages to being based in London! University of the Arts, of which LCF is a part, has excellent facilities and resources.
  • Gill Baksi

    You are welcome! Please keep in touch.

    Hi Gill,
    On the education side I have put together a programme which crosses over to post graduates - students currently get attached to me via things such as BBC vision but my programme is broader, I can email you a doc on what it is - what is your email ? - I am based in Archway so maybe we should meet at some stage - currently I am filming in Scotland
  • Cecilia Chan

    Hi, yeah if I can help. Just drop me an email to arrange ( Speak soon!
  • Anja Mury

    Hi Ishwari,

    i don't know Nottingham University, but I can recommend LCF, especially if you want to do your MA on sustainable fashion. they do have a research center for sustainable textiles called TED. get in touch with them. They also have got a center for sustainable fashion:

    hope that helps.

    good luck.
  • Jenny Cooper

    Hi Ishwari, that sounds really interesting. Do you plan to specialize in a particular area?


    Thank you so much Ishwari!
    Here is my Indian number so we can keep in touch. When are you leaving for London?
    965 030 8564
    I will give your friend a call this afternoon and see what we can do.
    Thank s again!
  • Paul May

    Hey, yes we can! As communications manager I take on interns (often students) to help wtih various aspects of marketing including generating marketing materials for European audiences - mostly B2B. If you're interested in doing an internship drop me an email at with your CV and I'll take a look. We can only provide accomodation and a weekday lunch for interns, but the work is interesting!

  • Caiomhe

    certainly we can be friends...I have been looking into Doing the same Ma here in Dublin in professional design management! Thanks for looking at my work..and stay in touch thanks Caiomhe
  • Jenny Cooper

    It sounds really interesting, that's actually something that I'm really interested in myself. You will have to let me know how it goes, because am prob looking to do an MA in the next couple of years. Would be good to find out what your course is like.

    I hope it goes well for you, all the best.
  • Tahira Naseem

    Hi, thanks, yes i did a short course in fashion marrketing at LCF last year, i was at the Holdborn campus, i wasnt there long but i had a good experience and the staff were helpful.

    what area of fashion are you interested in?
  • Helen Milen

    Hi Ishwari, I think your MA is a great plan...sounds really interesting. I'd be only too pleased to help you where I can.
    Good luck with everything and keep in touch
  • Zoe Robinson

    Hi Ishwari, thanks for the message and sorry for the delay getting in touch. At the moment I wouldn't really be able to take on an intern but might have opportunities in future. Why don't we stay in touch and let me know how you get on with your course.
    Best wishes,
  • Amisha Ghadiali

    of course x
  • paul yuille

    Hello Ishwari - yes we can be friends - I might be over in india (mumbai) in a month or so - I'm working with a couple of cooperatives over there through the University of The Arts London - I'm a design manager/project coordinator. So if you are around it might be good to chat. All the best
  • Udaya Bikram Thapa

    Hello there Ishwari,
    I have been working with natural fibres in Nepal for a long time now and can supply you with fibre, yarns, textiles, as well as finished goods. Please have a look at and to get an idea of what we do. I work with hemp, nettle, cactus, banana, bamboo . I also have a small workshop where we make bags, clothing and rugs from natural fibres. Hope to hear from you and would like to be your friend. Take care,
  • jacqueline

    hey ishwari...hjeard you are doing your masters...did you look into fashion and the environment at LCF?? where did you choose in the end?
    i am doing my masters in ethical fashion at UCA epsom but considered LCF. ALso i shoulb be in india for the first time with my job in october /november would love your thoughts and tips :)
  • George
