Nsongka Thomas




Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Customer Manager and Marketer
Company / organisation:
GI,KC,CC etc etc
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Supplier, Manufacturer, Press
I am looking to discover or buy
Great minds i can link up with to start a great synergy.
About me / About business or organisation:
Hard-working and need to make my own history and name ASAP
Career history / Company history:
Voltaire thinks success is embodied in Hard-work, talent and luck.This, i believe i embody in its entiritiy but, i still strive to work and get better.

Comment Wall:

  • David McGill

    Hi Nsonga, Im already a friend of Anrette and have now joined the EFF Cameroon. I've joined because I've designed a special Cameroon cloth which be exhibited at a fashion show in South Africa. I want to ensure that Cameroon and Cameroonians benefit from this. If you would like to see the image of the design e-mail me at davidmcgill61@yahoo.co.uk
  • jacqueline

    we should network and connect on this site
    add me pls
  • jacqueline

    you really seem to be bringing cameroon designers and eco warriers to the site...good for you.
    cameroon is somewhere i need to visit i think...seems like a lot is going on out there
    will def stay connected!
    jacqueline x
  • jacqueline

    hey girl
    im a little confused by your comment
    sample of cloth
    showcase in cameroon
    pls explain maybe i missed something