Anne Prahl



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Textile, Clothing and Accessory Designer
Company / organisation:
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Designer, Consultant

Comment Wall:

  • Ishwari Vijay Thopte

    Hey there!
    Im a Fashion Designer by profession and i plan to do my Masters in Design Management for Fashion Industries from London College of Fashion this fall.
    My research will mainly be in Ethical Fashion and Sustainable business practices. I was hoping to build contacts here. Can we be friends?
  • Ishwari Vijay Thopte

    Oh! thats great! Will you be visiting Mumbai? It would be a pleasure to meet you! :)
    I Graduated from NIFT, Mumbai last year. My admissions are done. Will be leaving for London in September.
  • Udaya Bikram Thapa

    Hello there Anne,
    I have been working with natural fibres in Nepal for a long time now and can supply you with fibre, yarns, textiles, as well as finished goods. Please have a look at and to get an idea of what we do. I work with hemp, nettle, cactus, banana, bamboo . I also have a small workshop where we make bags, clothing and rugs from natural fibres. Hope to hear from you and would like to be your friend. Take care,
  • jacqueline

    hey anne!

    thanks for the link re beads
    i will check them out and see if they can help

  • Holly Pressdee

    Hey anne, how is everything going on the job hunt??
    have you heard the current dramas with shared talent india??
    hope t hear from you soon
    best wishes
  • Holly Pressdee

    just sent u a private f/b message haha!!!

    but all is good with me, working away, unpaid interns!! but still hoping to find my dream job!! soon!!! xx
  • Holly Berry

    Hi Anne,

    I'm currently working from home on some projects, whilst the LMB collection is in production and waiting for the shop to open etc.. my other email account has been closed down, so you can catch me on : untill I set up my own business account etc..

    Be good to hear from you!