Lucy Osborne



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Profession / role:
PR and Communications
Company / organisation:
Ethical Fashion Forum
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Consumer, Other
I am looking to discover or buy
I am looking to network with individuals in India and Southeast Asia
About me / About business or organisation:
PR and communications for the EFF
Career history / Company history:
PR, Marketing and Events with London Business Conferences, Pants to Poverty, Foundation Agency and EFF

Comment Wall:

  • Ashok

    I like your enthusiasm for bringing ethics into fashion.
  • Ashok

    How are you lucy? how is work? Are you very busy? Please reply this. I want to hear from you. Whats going on about ethical fashion in London? when would you introduce me to your other friends? Please send me with this e-mail a picture of you.

  • Udaya Bikram Thapa

    Hello there Lucy,
    I have been working with natural fibres in Nepal for a long time now and can supply you with fibre, yarns, textiles, as well as finished goods. Please have a look at and to get an idea of what we do. I work with hemp, nettle, cactus, banana, bamboo . I also have a small workshop where we make bags, clothing and rugs from natural fibres. Hope to hear from you and would like to be your friend. Take care,