Katie Lane



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Company / organisation:
Website (if you have one):
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
I am looking to discover or buy
Connections in the eco-fashion industry
About me / About business or organisation:
I grew up in Malawi, went to University in London and now work for Pachacuti in Derbyshire. I am fascinated by the world of ethical fashion and love my role as designer at a company which works with fair trade co-operatives in Ecuador to create beautiful Panama Hats while providing essential community development for our weavers.
Career history / Company history:
I am a graduate of BA (Hons) Fashion Design from the University of Westminster. I now work as a designer at Pachacuti, a fair trade Panama Hat specialist in Derbyshire.

Comment Wall:

  • David McGill

    Hi Katie, would you like to be involved in a project that benefits Malawi/?
  • David McGill

    Hi Katie, Im a member of the Scotland Malawi Partnership (we have our agm this Saturday) and designer of the Malawi tartan. It was created (amongst others) to generate greater awareness on Malawi, provide ngo's schools etc with a means of raising funds for their projects, and to create businesses in Malawi. It is made into some 20+ products including wrapping paper and has proved to be very popular. I work with World Women Trade Fair based in LA who provide equipment, traing and access to markets and hope to produce it in cotton very soon so that we can start up Malawian womens co-operatives.
    Last November I had the opportunity to move into the fashion world at the Strathclyde University Malawi Millennium Fund fashion show and launched 'tartans for Africa'. It was an amazing spectacle and brought the house down. If you look at the pics on my profile you can see one of the outfits.
    At tartans for Africa we are trying to set ever higher standards in ethical and sustainable fashion and I co-operate on a number of projects with organisations and individuals worldwide. I also work with students and have just completed a project with students at Gray's School of Art in Aberdeen .
    If you give me an e-mail address or mail me at davidmcgill61@yahoo.co.uk I'll be pleased to send you more info.
  • jacqueline

    hey katie.....ur background sounds fantastic!...my company is in the early stages at mo but i need as much help as possible so if you are interested in working with me in setting it up then pls let me know...but if you find a company already in place not to worry. But my company is working with Africa and is my aim to bring Africa on the map through the medium of fashion to help get it recognised and to change age old perceptions

    either way all the best!