Country | Nu Zealand

"New Zealand! ah yes! Land Of..Pardon? Now you mention it yes that's right but..Oh you do? Yes that's right 'down the bottom' although technically there's really no top okay then, bye".

New Word Order

1. You have been invited to an event, dress code: Casual/Glamorous.

The word folks is of course, 'Glasual'.

Get used to it, in fact take it out for a shandy.

2. Your ordering some organic cotton and you explain to the drop kick by saying, "You know as opposed to 'conventionally' grown cotton".

A convention is a set of agreed, stipulated or generally accepted standards, norms, social norms or criteria, often taking the form of a custom.

When did you agree or accept chemicals to be smothered on your cotton or apples? When did that become a social norm or custom?

Well little organic mall rats, we now have the power! 'Chemventional'


You:         "Good day Roger, do you have any organic apples?"
Rodger:    "What the blazes are you talkin' about?"
You:         "Sorry old chap I meant, do you only have the 'chemventional' apples?"
Roger:      "Your on drugs, aren't ya, sling ya hook!"