
Country | Spain

This group is for businesses, designers, retailers, bloggers, and all type of individuals living in Spain who are interested in getting involved in the sustainable fashion/lifestyle scene. Leave your comments, questions, initiatives.

Location: Spain- España
Members: 18
Latest Activity: Jan 24, 2014

Interesting pages on the Sustainability and Lifestyle sector in Spain

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Comment by Praveen Varshnei on January 24, 2014 at 6:56

Hi Friends Please see share and like our handmade buttons face book page.

looking forward to your eco friendly buttons requirement.

Comment by Dovetail Diseño on December 6, 2013 at 21:56

Somos una empresa de diseño creada con un espíritu ético y de igualdad social, con sede en Barcelona, Cataluña.

Todas las camisetas son 100% ecológicas, siguiendo el Global Organic Textile Standard, además de estar certificado por la Fair Wear Foundation, que asegura Prácticas de Comercio Justo y un trato justo a los trabajadores.

Nuestras camisetas se han fabricado exclusivamente con energía sostenible generada a partir de energía eólica y solar. Los métodos de producción no contribuyen a los daños ambientales, a la injusticia social o al cambio climático.

Aqui es la pagina de web

Y facebook a 'like'

Muchas gracias!

Comment by Ranganathan on August 17, 2012 at 19:46
Comment by Colin Leslie Bamboo Eyewear on August 3, 2010 at 22:34
Hi , im looking to market My Bamboo eyewear in Spain
so if there are any retailer's or online store's interested please contact me ..
Comment by Myriam Morgenstern on June 8, 2010 at 6:37

1- Agents
The agents are the Nogaya sales representatives for agreed territories. Their role is to sell the Nogaya items to deco shops, high street shops, retail chains, etc ... They do report to us regularly on their work. They place the orders with us by email.
• There is a minimum of USD 1,500 per order.
• They make 15% commission on the sale turnover they generate. For instance, the agent sells for USD 1,000, he/she makes USD 150.
• We expect an agent to generate a turnover of at least USD 10,000 a month.
• The commission is paid by money transfer once the customers have fully paid (100%) Nogaya.
• As a fair trade business, and as a partnership goodwill, we expect our agents to buy the samples at wholesale price.
The agents will have to manage the relationships with Nogaya retail customers on behalf of Nogaya. As such, they need to be able to explain the Nogaya marketing stance, especially in terms of lead time to manufacture the women artisans' items. The lead time can go up to 4 months for some items. They also need to talk about our payment terms. As a fair trade business, Nogaya pays its women artisan groups when the order is placed. Hence Nogaya expects its customers to pay a minimum of 50% of the order value at the order, the balance upon delivery.

In order to simplify delivery and to manage import regulations efficiently, Nogaya will sell its products FOB India or Israel. The transport will be arranged by Nogaya and charge at cost. All import duties, VAT and any other local taxes in the import country will be handle by the final customers.

2- Distributors
The distributors are the Nogaya selling arms and representative of Nogaya in agreed territories. They market the Nogaya products to their own network of customers. They organize marketing campaigns and promotions in order to push the sales. They use local advertizing when deemed necessary. They report regularly on sales progress.
• They buy Nogaya products at 70% discount on public selling price and resell to their customers at the public selling price. Based on their knowledge of the local market, they could sell at a higher public selling price and share the difference with Nogaya who in turn could share the extra profits with the women artisans groups in the form of extra training or supports.
• Nogaya expects its distributors to generate a minimum of USD 20,000 a month.
• As a fair trade business, Nogaya requests its distributors to pay 50% of order value at the order, balance upon delivery.
• The minimum order size is USD 5,000.
In order to simplify delivery and to manage import regulations efficiently, Nogaya will sell its products FOB India or Israel. The transport will be arranged by Nogaya and charge at cost. All import duties, VAT and any other local taxes in the import country will be handle by the final customers.
Comment by Fashioning an Ethical Industry on May 18, 2010 at 10:19
El proyecto “Fashioning an Ethical Industry” presta apoyo a profesores y estudiantes que cursan estudios relacionados con la moda con el objetivo de que sean ellos los que provoquen el cambio en esta situación. Para ello se les muestra una visión global de las condiciones laborales de la industria textil, se concienciándoles sobre las prácticas actuales de algunas empresas. Asimismo, se les sugieren iniciativas para mejorar las condiciones y se les anima a una relfexión crítica y creativa sobre este problema así como se les invita a que aporten nuevas soluciones.

En estas páginas podéis encontrar hojas informativas y materiales didácticos en español, que esperamos sean de utilidad tanto para la actividad docente como para completar los estudios. Incluiremos más documentos en español durante el próximo año y por ello os recomendamos que lo reviséis de vez en cuando para estar al día de los nuevos materiales.
Comment by Colin Leslie Bamboo Eyewear on May 8, 2010 at 17:47
As from the 7th May 2010 .. Unitdot Eco Fashion Bamboo Eyewear was launched for sale online at
3 stylish designs are available with a promotion price of £80. each ..
With every Unitdot Bamboo Eyewear sold i will be donating £2. to UNICEF for the orphaned street children worldwide.. also Excentree will donate a tree for each pair sold..
please take the time to browse the website .. for other great deals ..
Unitdot Bamboo Eyewear is supplied by Colin Leslie Eyewear ltd

the only supplier to the UK .. please contact me if you require to purchase wholesale or retail ..

Comment by Colin Leslie Bamboo Eyewear on April 15, 2010 at 21:11
hi all, please check this link and add your support for me . i have entered the barclays competition for business idea's.. i need you to post comments and pass on to you friends and family . here there and everywhere ..
Comment by Luciana Reos on April 6, 2010 at 11:23
Nice to have you here Colin. Soon we will have some interesting things to talk about. Will take a look at your page.
See you.
Comment by Colin Leslie Bamboo Eyewear on April 1, 2010 at 9:00
nice to join Espania..
please take the time to view my products on my page ,.. and comment

Members (18)


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