We have a ethical web shop www.annliz.com where we sell and represent high- end designer pieces to consumers and retailers. Showing the best timeless fashion and home accessories made under fair conditions. Due to our look and concept we achieved a lot and are now expanding with an ANNLIZ Boutique in Amsterdam.
In regards of selling prducts via ANNLIZ in the Benelux, we can offerthe following:
1.Placement in our web shop. Our website generates a lot of free publicity and traffic ( 4th Google ethical fashion in the Netherlands) especially of our target group: the 30-55 aged people with a passion and a budget for exceptional outer and inner beauty. Our success is growing and we are expanding our business in attracting more partners who would like to place and sell their products on our website. The placement is for free, we only ask a (reasonable)quick delivery and a 30% commission over the consumer sales price once the payment is processed.
2.The beginning of March we will open a shop in the centre of Amsterdam where designers have the opportunity to show and sell their beautiful ethical fashion items. To welcome the smaller designers as well we have created a business model where you can rent your own shop space (shop in shop) or expose and sell your products consignment based. In return we offer a stylist boutique with enough space to showcase the items at the perfect location in a very sophisticated and trendy high end shopping area. We will work as well with a PR company which is located around the corner of the ANNLIZ boutique where stylists and journalist like to collect their items.
If you want to discuss the possibilities you can also email me at mera@annliz.com.