I am doing a bit of research into organic cotton sarees for an exciting new project being developed by The Environmental Justice Foundation. Does anyone know of any manufacturers of organic cotton in India, or of anyone who is already producing organic cotton sarees based in India?
Any information on sarees in general would also be appreciated. What is the most common style, what yarn type should ideally be used etc?
Also, check out the Environmental Justice Foundation website, they have a very informative campaign raising awareness on cotton farming in Uzbekistan and the impact it has on the environment and the humans (children) working in the fields. www.ejfoundation.org
For more info on sarees in general I would recommend an excellent ethnography (which is also like a coffee table book full of pictures and illustrations on different styles and how they are worn) called The Sari by Daniel Miller and Mukulika Banerjee.
I am conducting research in India and would love to hear more about the project, my email is P.jay@ucl.ac.uk