Whatever man do he can't compete with nature. Needless to say that natural dyes derived from plant are the best. Inspite of few limitations no other dye is comparable to natural dye with regard to protecting the environment.  www.organicclothesindia.com

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      The limitations in Natural dyed comes only where man has been abused through by the science knowledge , left as deluded animal with wealth to join gang that is destructive to earth . Because , money came a plenty  from ill gotten source of  mother earth and farmers and crafts people were exploited  till the blood come from the cow . Because there were money  excess production in cotton in industrial organized cultivation and mills  and exports only to import rotton petrol  at 10 times more cost  and kick back is available to govt. excess production was carried out . This excess money also made people go for chemical beauties that turned soon eye soar. Now it is giving all sorts of diseases . Had we followed Gandhian method , now on line market  one to one  Natural dyed is gallexy , not childish even to child . Thus people are no adequate to enjoy the beauty of the natural dyed , adult are perversed to enjoy sexy garments and it shining .

Please view our profile/blogs on natural dyed is is divine art of Gallexy !  . 


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