hi everyone!

I’m in the process of opening my fashion label, however I am not happy with my current manufacture due to constant disagreements. Therefore, the reason for this blog post, is to establish if any of you lovely people know any loyal ethical clothing manufactures within the U.K? and if they would manufacture goods to personal design specification?
In addition my designs are very technical, and I use a lot of embroidery, beading, rhinestones, and metal personal label plaques etc, as additions for my unique signature, therefore the manufactures, would need to be able to source and cater for those aspects also.
Initially I only require a small quantity, however ultimately if I am entirely happy with the quality, I will require larger quantities.

I hope you can help, thank you for your time and thank you in advance for any recommendations.

Sheeza Ayub

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You might want to take a look at Klowt:



They produce most (all?) of the clothing for Muddandwater (http://www.muddandwater.com) - so might be able to help you out? Might be worth saying that I put you in touch...personal contact always helpful!


Hope that helps



hi andy,


thank you for your contact, i have got in contact with this manufacture before, however never received a reply, i will mention your name this time round and will see what will happen!

also have you personally used this manufactures before, if yes how much (1 to 10, 1 being the best and 10 being the worst) would you rate the quality of their craftsmanship?, reliability? Loyalty?

thank you once again,



Hello, Im also in the same hole as you, however i know someone that would be just right. She is really nice stefanie@stefaniesmith.co.uk  

hi jermaine,

                thankyou for your contact, also have you personally used this manufactures before, if yes how much (1 to 10, 1 being the best and 10 being the worst) would you rate the quality of their craftsmanship?, reliability? Loyalty?


much appreiciated


Sheeza Ayub


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