Carrying a fashionable handbag is the perfect way to stay in style. In today's life style handbag also plays an important role towards fashion. Handbags are one of our collection that has a classic beauty and come with an innovative design. I just discovered a Eco-chic designer that I must tell you all about: Beth Springer! If you really want something a little more luxurious, she offers a beautiful bevy of handbags and adopts an environmentally sustainable attitude. She has a background based in architecture and it really gives a unique perspective on fashion and design. Her bags are clean with a rustic feel and bonus, she is adding 100% organic hemp/cotton linings to several styles starting with the Spring 2008 collection. When I was surfing to order Springer's designer bag I found a great coupon for it here, the coupon is halfway down the page How do you find using eco-chic desinger bags?